A sharp-pointed concrete arrow symbolizes a bent flag. The Eternal Flame is burning in the arch of the arrow. Near it stand bronze figures: a soldier, a sailor and a female soldier motionless in place like an honor guard. The number of soldiers from the North who died in the Great Patriotic War is marked on the arrow. Every third citizen called up for military service, and every tenth person from the pre-war Archangelsk did not come back from the front. Even though no military theater took place within the territory of Archangelsk, the northern people fought on every front. From the first years of the War the city had become the closest rear units for the Karelian front, a front-line city. Almost every day German fighter-planes encircled the airspace above us. The city was exposed to mass bombings. During the war years Arkhangelsk received and deployed Union convoys, there was a large marine base here, marine specialists were trained, and more than 30 evacuation hospitals were created.
Address: Northern Dvina embankment, between houses 93-95