Tourism in Arkhangelsk
About our Arkhangelsk land
Turist attractions / Museums
An old private residence on the embankment

      "The old private residence on the embankment" is both the name of the museum and  an architectural monument from the second half of the 18th century. The building was constructed under a typical residential design but was never used for its intended purpose, and since the middle of 1960-s it has been home to the Museum of Fine Art. An idea was put forth – to try to revive the atmosphere of a residential house using everyday objects of the 18th  to the early 20th centuries which had been kept in museum storage. The exposition “The portrait in the antique interior” opened in 1998 and immediately caught the fancy of citizens. In addition, portraits, furniture, porcelain, and mirrors appeared in the halls, thus making it possible to show masterpieces in their typical environment. Having preserved the purpose of the rooms, the authors of the exposition are able to show the shift in interior artistic styles at the end of the 18th – beginning of the 20th centuries. In the museum you can find “The man’s room the end of the 18th – beginning of the 19th centuries”, “The living room – 1830-s”, “The woman’s room in the middle of the 19th century”. Moreover, in this old residence on the embankment, they often play instrumental music, conduct balls for children, host social receptions, make presentations and hold meetings. 

More info:  

Address: 79, Northern Dvina embankment

Schedule: All Year Round