Tourism in Arkhangelsk
About our Arkhangelsk land
Turist attractions / Theaters and Concert Halls
Arkhangelsk Regional Puppet Theater

      The Puppet Theater building was constructed in 1930-s for the Pioneer Palace, the Puppet Theater itself moved here only in the middle of 1980-s. The Arkhangelsk Puppet Theater has records dating back to October, 1933. Leningrad actors were the fathers of the theater. They left big theaters stages and came to Arkhangelsk in order to create a youth theater here. In October, 1933 the Puppet Theater was established under the Youth Theater. Many times during its  history the Arkhangelsk Puppet Theater faced possible closings, but there were always people who managed to preserve it. In 1979 the theater began producing pieces for adults with its performance “Love. Love!” based on Boccaccio’s “Decahedron”. In 1996 the play “Vertep” (The Nativity) was given the National Theater Award “Golden mask” and nominated “the best puppet performance” (director Dm. Lokhov, art director E. Nikolayeva). By the way, Elena Nikolayeva’s puppets for the “Kurochka Ryaba” (The Speckled Hen) play got some exposure at the international exhibition in Paris and now they are kept in the puppet museum of the Obraztsov Theater in Moscow. In 2003, one more performance “Hamlet, the Dutch Prince” was nominated three times and was awarded the Golden Mask. There are 31 plays in the theater’s repertoire, nine of them are for adults.  The Arkhangelsk puppet theater is one Arkhangelsk's unique "brands".  It is extremely popular not only in Arkhangelsk but far beyond the Arkhangelsk region. 

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Address: 5, Troitskiy Avenue

Schedule: All Year Round